Sunday, December 29, 2013

a Jewel at the Heart of Quantum Physics

A new fundamental geometric pattern at quantum level is discovered and reported by a group of scientists. Here is the link and a brief summary below it.

Scientists discovered a certain fundamental geometric pattern at quantum levels that greatly simplifies calculations.

Previously large calculations done by computer can now be done on paper. So essentially particle interactions calculated using  equations containing a1000 terms can be reduced to a fundamental one term expression.

The new simple theory will facilitate the search for theory of Quantum Gravity, hence connecting large and small particle models of the universe. Previous attempts at explaining gravity using quantum had resulted in nonsensical infinite and paradoxical solutions.

This fundamental jewel-like geometry is referred to by the discoverers as amplituhedron.

My own thoughts:
A fundamental geometric pattern for modelling the universe can unify and explain all natural phenomena in universe - a certain blue-print that if followed our systems from technology to financial, agriculture, etc. - would be more efficient and holistic and if not followed they would not be as efficient (if not fundamentally flawed) which eventually result in damage and disaster.

Similar to amplituhedron, which proposes a unified geometric solution for equations in quantum physics, a fundamental geometrical pattern (related to fractal and sacred geometry) has been inspired to Marko Rodin in from of a simple diagram consisting of numbers 1-9 and simple line relationships. This is Vortex Based Mathematics which I believe is simple, accessible and intuitive enough to work with. For an introduction see this page.



N. Arkani-Hamed, J. L. Bourjaily, Freddy Cachazo. "Scattering Amplitudes and the Positive Grassmannian" Cornell University Library. Archive 1212.5605. Available:


N. Wolchover. (2013). "Scientists Discover a Jewel at the Heart of Quantum Physics,"[Online]. Quanta Magazine., Available:
. Dec 2013.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Daniel Nunez - Global BEM Team

I believe if we look at Daniel Nunez and his work there is a lot to learn - in terms of education, research and the type of open-source business vibe he has.

Here is a video from this month, God bless him and his family.

Published on Nov 9, 2013
The Global BEM Conference in Boulder, CO turned out to be an amazing event surrounding the various aspects of sustainable living and evolutionary development. We are honored to have been speaking; and would like to thank all those who made the experience possible! Our appreciation goes out to the Global BEM team, speakers, and supporters alike! Enjoy. :)

Follow their progress on:
Follow Global BEM on:

Keywords: Free Energy, Abha Coil, Daniel Nunez, Marko Rodin, Randy Powell, Over unity, Over-Unity

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Spirituality, Religion and Science - A Unifying Perspective

Dear Reader:

I hope you are all in excellent spiritual, mental and physical condition and pray for you and your family's well-being.

In search of alternatives to bridge between the worlds of religion and science considered separate by some, I see it upon myself to share with you any material which proposes a change of position and rather look at the two from an integrative lens. Science and spirituality as well as religion need not be separate systems (with different outputs): the trick is to search for the truth in my humble opinion.

Previously, a few scientists were mentioned who are also spiritual and explicitly link spiritual and religious information to observational and empirical practice, with logic, diagrams and what not. I mentioned Nikola Tesla (and his interaction with Swami Vivekananda), Nassim Haramein (obvious references from Bible, the Torah and Ancient religious text), Marko Rodin ( A member of the Baha'i Faith who seems to be unveiling Vortex Based Math), Randy Powell, Daniel Nunez (following Marko Rodin and that spiritual path), Walter Russel (started a whole new school of science and philosophy and books on certain revelations which Tesla regarded as being a 1000 years ahead of his time!), Viktor Schauberger (started as a forest warden in jungles of Switzerland ended up with inventions and drawings that seem out of the time), etc.

Something that can be considered as good news amidst this seemingly overwhelming information, is the fact that these people work from a perspective that everything is connected and that God is ultimately everything and work based on following His wisdom to achieve altruistic ends. And it is not then surprising that their work seem to support each other.

For example you may look at Dan Winter's website which contain a massive and rich body of work (of course it might be just a bias in me, it is up to the individual reading this to confirm) and gain an alternative and a more wholesome (holistic perspective) on this universe. These works use science and the word God multiple times in the same text without refuting each other (and in fact use each other to support each other). So the material seem to provide a way to bridge multiple gaps in our understandings and to full-fill part of that yearning of wanting to know the truth. I am open to all ideas and attached to none so please bring forth any criticism.
At this point in time, I think if I know an epsilon of this material (for example the rich work provided on Dan Winter's website), I have become very wealthy in knowledge. Ofcourse, I pray that people become more open to these material and revisit them and become more and more knowledgeable to fill any gaps or any short comings or any low feelings and disappointments they have from science or religion and I think these feelings exist in us all.
I shall also warn the reader that I do not 100% agree with everything I read and keep constantly vigilant so that this material does not make me fall in to shirk (associating partners with God). Some think that just because some technology is driven from religion, their understanding has become so much that they do not want to associate with other seemingly inferior people and start worshiping themselves or the person who discovered it or the technology and what not, this is the most wrong thing one can do with these material and I pray that we get saved, God Willingly from the fire that awaits such action. The goal is to understand and make something useful for God's Sake and God's wisdom and bounty is infinite and far-reaching.

Here is the link to Dan Winter's Website:

I would also like to add the some scientists along the way who seem to have not revealed their full story about their experience and path to invention/discovery. For example, here is an excerpt from a book called the Tao of Physics in support of this point. I would appreciate it, once again, if one from amongst you bring forth information which proves this passage otherwise or brings an alternative story to it. I also appreciate it if you provide the authentic source and page number.

From Tao of Physics as cited on (and many other sources on the net)
Capra [author of the Tao of Physics] later discussed his ideas with Werner Heisenberg in 1972, as he mentioned in the following interview excerpt:
I had several discussions with Heisenberg. I lived in England then [circa 1972], and I visited him several times in Munich and showed him the whole manuscript chapter by chapter. He was very interested and very open, and he told me something that I think is not known publicly because he never published it. He said that he was well aware of these parallels. While he was working on quantum theory he went to India to lecture and was a guest of Tagore. He talked a lot with Tagore about Indian philosophy. Heisenberg told me that these talks had helped him a lot with his work in physics, because they showed him that all these new ideas in quantum physics were in fact not all that crazy. He realized there was, in fact, a whole culture that subscribed to very similar ideas. Heisenberg said that this was a great help for him. Niels Bohr had a similar experience when he went to China. – Fritjof Capra, interviewed by Renee Weber in the book The Holographic Paradigm (page 217–218)
Thanks for your time and attention. 


Monday, June 3, 2013

Sucked in to the Vortex Again :) - Contemporary Engineer Estimates 20% in National Energy Savings

Hello again and thanks for revisiting the Free Energy Nation blog

I found a really good video which shows how wonderful it is to take nature as your teacher and design products based on the evolved and natural R&D which nature has been perfecting for at least 3.8 billion years.

>p>This time a successfull engineer also intuits about spirals and builds a water impeller which greatly influences energy savings in coolers:

Just like Schauberger this engineer contemplated nature and reached to this design decision. Let me throw one picture related to Schauberger's work too ;)...amazing thought patterns!

Sunday, March 31, 2013

To Sum It Up....

The message behind all notions and references to free energy, biomimicry, Viktor Schauberger, Nikola Tesla or the free natural spirit existing within all of us can be summed up in the following:

Mr. Human Being! your designs, for many many years of your existence could use a lot of improvement! They really need not make so much noise and pollution. Ponder nature and thou shall find the answers!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Biomimicry and Energy Efficiency

There is a site as you know called Biomimicry Institute. On this site, you can search about various subjects....anything that fancies your mind and you probably can find an example of how nature does it. The premise of biomimicy (which I agree with 100%) is that nature is 3.8 billion years ahead of us in R&D and knows what works in this universe and what does not.

Since I like that topic of energy and frictionless levitating objects, I typed energy efficiency and this came up: Learning from Nature How to Create Flow Without Friction. A very beautiful to the point case study about how nature handles energy.

In summary, it says that a lot of energy devices such as fans and rotors that we have are not very good designs. As the result, we have a lot of noise and pollution associated with them. If we build according to nature, which moves water and air according to exponential growth patterns, we find great solutions. Sea shells, trunks of elephants, tails of chameleons, galaxies, cochlea in the ear and pores of the skin all follow this natural pattern containing the golden ratio. The article then refers to Pax Scientific Inc. which has adopted the concepts of nature to apply it to all sort of rotors (rotating devices) in fans, mixers, turbines, etc. Discovered efficiency has been an staggering 10-85% with noise reduction up to 75%.


Well, the game then comes down to measuring the efficiency of various energetic systems and compare it to the above - now I guess the terms Biomimicry, Abha Coil, Eric Dollard, Tesla, etc. become different, in the sense that though theyare pointing to the same direction and depend on each other greatly, there will be some that are much more efficient.

Obviously, from my previous posts, you might have noticed that Abha coil, Bashar's Space-Time Antenna and other free energy devices are really high up there in terms of efficiency. In fact, when overunity (more energy out than in - because of constructive resonance and energy from vacuum – please correct me if I am wrong) is taken in to account, we are then talking about something like 800% energy efficiency. See this post. Which probably means "biomimicry companies" have a lot of work to do to catchup to these more superior energy devices - Biomimicry should take place in a way that it can reach these supperior goals in terms of energy efficiency. Still thanks for all your hard efforts people out there in the field....if you care a lot about being accurate and more productive, then this is the direction we need to head towards.

Last but not least, just wanted you to enjoy these images:

Saturday, February 9, 2013

New Fundraising Project for Eric Dollard

Eric Dollard is one of the very few people (to my limited knowledge ofcourse) that has been able to replicate Tesla's work and improve upon it. He is a hands-on engineer with inventions such as log periodic antenna (based on golden ratio) and knows the histroy of energy and telecommunication systems in and out - he can talk about Tesla, Marconi, Alexanderson, Steinmetz, etc. very clearly - you get an idea of what everyone was upto in history and now with this whole electrical engineering business - indeed an ocean of knowledge open up - things you have never heard of before comes up (earth stereo, a location on earth that acted like an ultimate receiver, a hole in the sky which was what the Indians referred to KPH at Bolinas, etc.). Eric is also a mathematician and has even invented his notions for complex things that with normal math tools won't be understood (I need to understand it though).

Eric has had a lot of difficulty in implementing his grand ideas ofcourse due to deliberate funds blockage, lab raids, etc. because he believes in abundance of innovation, energy and welfare of men, rather than abundance of scarcity. There are numerous videos (in my previous posts as well) and also publicly available information summing up some of Eric's' work. And all of these are available for free.

At Indiegogo, there is currently a major fundraising initiative to save Eric's work, I would like to thank the hardworking and brave people doing this. Please donate for more freedom and unconditional love in this world. Check out the Indiegogo site as well as and Eric's Facebook Page.

It in interesting that Eric Dollard in the video below (on the Indiegogo page above) talks about an improved Wardenclyffe tower design, implementing the new coil geometry of log periodic antenna instead of the pancake coil. Also, Eric refers to KPH Antenna stations and Landers stations (ultimate receiver) a lot. This new workof his seems to take advantage of the energetic locations of these structures. Watch this video and tell me what you think: