Sunday, March 2, 2014


Peace and blessings of God be upon you.
I pray ou are in the best state of health and spirit.
The phrase technoloQi is interesting and could be defined as such:

TechnoloQi: If Qi is "Natural Energy" or "Vital Energy" then technology that operates in the Qi paradigm could be referred to as TechnoloQi.


Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Please Donate to Rick and Keshe Foundation

Dear All, Please donate generously and spread this message below. It is by Rick Crammond, who is a super active member of the technology open-source community, specially with the works of Mr. Mehran T Keshe, which has tremendous applications in medicine, energy, transportation, food production, etc.

Rick goes by the name MrFixitRick (see on YouTube) and you can find many many samples of his work, I know him personally and had the chance to meet him, he really can do with any help.

(keywords: donate, fundraising campaign, Mehan Keshe).

Message from Rick on :
Keshe reactor reproduction alliance

A message I sent to all Facebook groups...

This message is directed to the one percent of this planet who are wealthy.
The rest of you need not listen.

This month is arguably the most important in the history of the Keshe Foundation.
The opening of the Spaceship Institute is a major milestone,
and the 10th Workshop coming up Feb 27th
promises to be greater than all the rest put together!

Is there anyone out there who cares?

Over six billion people on this planet...
Millions of millionaires.
Thousands of billionaires.
Yet, there were no donations this month to any of the Keshe-related GoFundMe sites.

What's with that?

If you have money, please give unconditionally to the Keshe Foundation at this critical juncture in its growth.

Or show support for the dedicated people of the Spaceship Institute...
or support those like myself, who are helping as volunteers and experimenters.

Some of us have personally risked everything, to make true the
Keshe vision of peace, and prosperity, for all beings on Earth...
and even for those off-planet too!

I work hard for the Keshe foundation. It is difficult under extreme anxiety that the phone bill is overdue and I will literally lose service, tomorrow!

What about you?
What is your financial situation?

Why does it seem that those who have lots of money, do not feel the need to help others?
But the poorer folks, they give everything they have, from their hearts?

Surely, some well-off individuals must have hearts... 
To them I say, "How much time or money do YOU spend supporting the Keshe Foundation?"

There are many experimenters, such as myself, who need support.
We work hard every day towards the Keshe dream of power, lift, new materials, and health benefits for mankind.

Thanks to the graciousness and openness of Mr Keshe, many experimenters now have the knowledge and understanding to move forward with the Keshe technology.

So, please, give freely and unconditionally, to support all those who are helping the Keshe Foundation worldwide.

There is no other organization that offers such a magnificent future for mankind!

Rick Crammond
aka "mrfixitrick"

Here are the donation sites I know of...

Keshe Foundation donation page...

English Transcribing of Keshe Workshops...

Ludmil Katzarov, Knowledge Seeker fund-raiser

Geert Vranckx, Group Nederlands, project Keshe Reactor

Chinese group,

Rick Crammond, Building a Keshe Plasma Reactor...

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Amazing Image

I pray you are with inner peace and seeking enlightenment constantly. My unconditional love to you dear reader.

I think you will find this image interesting, I downloaded it from the  Keshe American knowledge Transfer Page (not sure about the original link).

Saturday, January 11, 2014

The Questions I Ask

Peace be Upon You 

I hope this writing finds you in the best state of faith and health. May God give us the strength to do and say those things most pleasing to Him.

A while back, the topic of Iran and Nuclear Energy came up again in a gathering I was attending and ever since that I think we need to debate this topic more carefully. I get a sense of stagnation and a morbid repetitive broken-record, status quo deficient loop when people say "oh other countries have it, so we should also" and then the leery dark perception that ensues: "hopefully extremists of our government don't build a nuclear bomb and blow it on other people".

Thinking in a limited manner, thinking that a certain geographic country should have something because other countries have it and it works and provides energy is not a deep serious life purpose type of thinking in my humble opinion. Yes, nuclear energy can provide energy. So did coal , oil, etc. however is this is? Why not also ask "How many Fukushima type of disasters do I need to see for me to change and think differently" "Am I not ever tired of thinking about lacks and scarcity - jumping from a very imperfect polluting solution to another???? in the same box of scarcity thinking ?" "How much more should I wait to see what the world's governments have in store for us in terms of real and heart-felt solutions" "Why not be proactive - start exploring alternatives myself?"

And do you just like to copy what other people have? Why? Boy, is this not the Jones's effect: "hey they bought a house, we should buy a house, they got two cars, we should get one more....they got a child, I need a child". I cannot believe for an epsilon of second that our spiritual and intellectual potential is limited at this level.....If you believe in God and that God is perfect and human's soul yearns to go towards this perfection and progression, then the question of "How am I going to have what others have in my generation" is not enough, not only is not enough, it is a low-level and dangerous type of thinking. The belief, I humbly, dear reader, I urge you to subscribe to more seriously is this:

"I believe God is The-Abundant, He is Most beneficent to All and Most Merciful, Oh God reveal to us what is best for us so that we can construct systems that manifest a shade of your Abundance. God most high likes us to explore His bounties and not be satisfied with being short-changed with something incompatible with our spirit. We see the effects of disasters of pollution, health and environment hazards, etc. around us and now we ask God to give us knowledge and intuition to build harmless systems. And once I am nudged and informed about a potential solution, no matter how small and insignificant it seems at first, I am willing to look at it, experiment with it and try it, see why it is good And no more I am just satisfied with what is advertised to me via main stream media and those who prey on superficial information causing nations to pursuit disastrous fantasies."
"The earth and the skies could not keep this trust of the clock
Yet the poor insane me was stuck with such tough luck.
People find good reason for the wars in which they are stuck
Since Truth they cannot see, to fantasies they would flock."

Inshallah (God Willingly) we pray for abundance and the most truthful realization of Allah SWT. We shall not be convinced with staying at the status quo of any system or any -isms - except that which is more truthful and just. 
"We shall never cease from exploring"

And Peace be Upon You