Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Spiral

Today, I got in to yet another amazing chapter of one of my all-time best books called "Hidden Nature: the Startling Views of Viktor Schauberger". I like to repeat his story: being very inclined towards nature, Viktor resists traditional education and instead becomes a forestor. During his forestry, Schauberger develops a huge intuition about how nature works, much more than us urbenites who actually systematically work to ignore our natural thinking most of the time.

One the fundemantal principles to Schauberger's discoveries were the spiral motion evident everywhere and he always wondered why mainstream science does not take this motion, which is evident from galactical to DNA patterns, more seriously. Spiral and rotation are what nature prefers over any other type of motion and underlies many elements of nature such as rivers and water, air flow, tornados, etc.

This passage was particularly interesting as it emphasized the importance of spire and its usage in everyday language:

"Even the tools of common language unwittingly (or wittingly) allude to the character of this spiral movement. When we ex- (s)pire, we leave this our 'mortal coil'. We are in- spire-d, we feel drawn to our higher ideals. Our spir(e)it is raised, and we are sucked into the upward spiral. Similarly through
re- spi(e)ation, the ionization balence of the body (which varies according to the time of day) is adjusted by the proportional ionization of air indrawn through the nostrills, which due to opposite directions of rotation, is negatively ionizedby the left nostril and positively by the right nostril. Sneezing, therefore, may perhaps be a compensating process, through which high opposing charges resulting from over- ionization are reduced to zero." Hidden Nature, PP 88

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