Monday, September 24, 2012

The New Science : Mehran Keshe style

Mr. Mehran Keshe is a very interesting scientist, leader and inspirer in the field of exotic and free energy. Mr. Keshe has been talking about his work in conferences such as this one and apparently happens to know the secrets of magnetism and plasmatronics for a wide range of applications.

The applications of his work can range from clean on-demand energy generation and consumption (usable power), curing MS or cancer, produce protein out of fresh air, space travel or ... taking down the US Military drones in Iran. Exotic and extraordinary indeed.

In case you did know, Mr. Keshe has recently released a major footage talking about where first world countries and scientific boundaries stand and what Kesh Faoundation offers instead. Go on to The New Science to get the full scoop and see the video posted.

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