Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Revisiting Thrive

A couple of nights ago, I finished re-watching “Thrive: What on Earth Will It Take” after about 4 years ago when I first saw it. It was highly inspirational and informative and I knew the beginning to quarter of the film very vividly, but for some reason I realized that I had not really payed attention to its ending and conclusion.

For those who have not watched, I highly recommend Thrive as it serves to shed light on most problems of humanity including energy, health, food, water, education, media, banking and finance, etc. The director and producer, Foster Gamble and Kimberly Carter Gamble, use thorough and convincing research to expose various levels of corruption that has led to suppression of truths in many spheres of life.

First the movie, describes how life is meant to work, the paradigm of abundance, ability for everyone to thrive.It delves in to what would be a truthful and ideal paradigm to strive towards and lists some practical applications and scientists who have been systematically suppressed. 

Then the question why such systematic suppression is happening is brought to the picture. In the search to answer this, the plot of the power mongering elite in the world is unveiled validated by historical and independent research (you may brush it off as another conspiracy theory; however, the research is really compelling, give it a second thought! – What if they are right?).  An interesting way to find out the truth of why such outrageous things are happening, as mentioned by Mr. Gamble, is the cardinal rule of investigative journalism:

“If something does not make sense, follow the money!”

The last stages of the movie, which I previously did not really pay attention to, was to offer solutions starting from making peace with what is wrong and taking the stance of non-violence as demonstrated by Ghandi and Martin Luther King Jr. and focus on solutions and simple steps that one can take to break through the mold and join the massive conscious movement for change.
In particular, there were a couple of parts which struck a really nice cord with me:

One of them, was when the Evolutionary Biologist, Dr. Elizabeth Sahtouris, used a metaphor for describing the current corruption and inefficient systems as a caterpillar worm, who is desperately trying to survive and eats 300 times more than its weight, destroying a large amount of vegetation. She mentioned this is how corrupt systems and “World Order” engineers are, desperately trying to hang-on and control the masses, they offer dirty and hazardous solutions like oil, nuclear, etc., lobby inefficient drug production and suppress the real health solutions, want to put cameras everywhere and plant that RFID chip in to your skin, just so that they can control and have power, no matter what the consequences of these choices are, no matter how much material they have accumulated.

She adds that at some point, the caterpillar goes in to cocoon in the metamorphosis stage, and starts having new cells, which scientists refer to as “Imaginal” cells: seeds of huge potential ultimately resulting in a gracious colorful tender butterfly. Instead of hating the caterpillar, and not accepting it, rather we ought to make peace with it, accept it, look at it as the process the makes imaginal cells shine, the struggle and resistance that would lead to the butterfly.

Another point that caught my attention, was the bit about Aikido as a form of martial arts which utilizes the opponent’s energy to blend and become one with it, does subduing them in a non-violent way. An aikido great master had one said, the goal of Aikido (“Ai” meaning harmony, “Ki” means Qi/Sprititual Energy and “Do” the way/the path, so “the path of unifying spiritual energy”) is not to defeat the enemy and rather blend with it and become one.

“Aikido is not a technique to fight and defeat an enemy. It is a way to reconcile the world and make human beings one family."

The movie comes to a conclusion by listing some simple and practical approaches to take towards the new paradigm shift.  These steps include activities such as joining like-minded people in groups, investing every dime in a socially responsible manner and for the right causes (“…any dollar amount sends a message!”). Other steps include eating organic rather than GMO, banking with smaller local banks, striving to reduce political campaign and military budgets, etc.

It was just anything I could ask for in a documentary, the truth and research to back it up, and how to face the unsettling reality of corruption with constructive actions.

If you have not yet, why don’t you go ahead and watch it, Share your thoughts and feelings!
Like all actions whether posting of a thought, a demonstration of a new technology, and share of a practical step, I pray and hope that it benefits humanity in some way J

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