Friday, May 4, 2012

Help Marko Rodin in educating the public about his technology

Technologies such as cold dusion, saucers and wireless access to global and healthy energy transmission have hollistic, intuitive and altruistic grounds for their inspiration (despite their slow manifestation) and for quiet sometime have captured my heartfelt attention.

I find, however, that Marko Rodin's coil resonates with me on a higher level than MOST discoveries and seems to be THE most perfect DISCOVERY known - well at least to a group of people who particularly follow Free Energy videos everyday, at least until now, so far.....maybe Bashar's Space Time Antenna or something else I have not really contemplated or undersood is more perfect....Maybe Keshe foundation has something more powerful and perfect (see videos in previous posts for Mehran Keshe's conference), maybe Cold Fusion and Eugene Mallove is where it is at ....but Rodin's coil is one of the most perfect ones I have seen and the REALLY GOOD NEWS i understanding it also comes from simple faith based on belief in God and simple fact you only need to know the first 9 numbers to understand the basics.....

So, what is interesting in this DISCOVERY is that, it did not come to him through pure reasoning and logic  as we know it and he went through a spiritual path and metaphysics as well as numerology to understand it and then eventually he understood and made it in to a coil technology. He went through a spiritual path first by adopting faith in God because he knew that he can not do this on his own - that he needed to ask the Creator for His (the Creator's) wisdom. This is a very wise choice so many of us miss in life.

On a purely mathematics basis, one can find awesome and repeating inter-related patterns of numbers, that is simple enough for a first grader to understand; yet, it forms a powerful mathematics, called Vortex Based Mathematic or VBM for short, that is very encompassing. VBM can address and relate to many problems, deciplines and topics at once, including not restricted to, metaphysics (Yin/Yang, Prana, Qi...), genetics (ending all diseases), space propulsion, quantum physics, astronomy, computing, unlimited energy and communication and antenna (elected by US Military as the most sensative antenna which right now protects the 4 corners of the USA!!!). His exmplanation of how numbers are living things is just phenomenal.

As such, I really emphasize exploring the technology further and listening to what he says and teaches. Probably, a good first step is to checkout the videos of him (there is a lot online). Then if it makes sense to you, help him through offering your unique skills, replicating and experimenting with his technology and donations/sponsorship. In particular, he is looking for making educational games to help the coming generations understand his special gift to us. At the very least, we should acknowledge him and spread the word!!! Please do so, every single action counts! (Rodin's Website)

VortexBased Mathematics and Marko Rodin

TEDX - Vortex Mathematics by Randy Powell

Randy Powell - Intro to Vortex Math - Part 1

Thanks for your kind attention,


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