Thursday, May 24, 2012

Surrender to who you really are!

Guys, a lot of us get suckered in to finding any job and they tell you to do whatever (like accepting a fast food job) while trying to find a real job or doing what you dream of! I know I know you gotta do what you got to do.

But really???? This is absolutely not cool. You gotta find out what attracts you and go with the positive change - if you hate fast food work and low level office jobs why on earth are you bringing down your worth?? It does not have to be a big mystery. Start simple. Start moment to moment. Find your highest joy (adapted from the video below which we're going to get to).

Sometimes, it means stopping your job search and joining a political party/activist group instead of looking for a job and talk against the certain government members's policies who think it is is OK to make educaiton cost 50,000 dollars and then after the degree ask people to accept any job like MCDonalds. How much more crap you gonna take? This kind of bizarre and sad news is the exact thing I have been ready and willing to ignore and I am grateful to share the passion. This is Free Energy Nation Freedom Taks Force baby....!!!!

All you gotta do is following your clues for freedom and passion!!!! Trust that everything is going to be alright....make a statement to the universe with full conviction that this is truly you!!!! Follow your excitement and make sure it is not some fear or anxiety!!! The BS news is not the frequencies I attract!!!! I attract other frequencies, there are a lot of other frequencies I prefer. Others will fade out of this reality I am preferring!!!! I attract Bashar the terrestrial not Bashar Al-Asad!!!! So in conclusion :) here is my 2 cents: ignore what makes you FEARFUL and is not OF USE to you. Listen to Bashar (againl the E.T. not Bashar Asad - lol), the one Bashar who talks about exotic energy, , earth chakras, sacred geometry and law of attraction is in my thoughts....a lot of other news is simply ANNOYING.

Take control of the your life and beat this STUPIDITY. There are many GREEDY, FEARFUL and IGNORANT people out there who make decisions (in fact like 90% of people seem to be like that), so becareful who you share your dreams with!!!!! Change your belief system if you have to not be fearful. Do not fall for the WE DON'T HAVE JOBS GIMMICK and YOU DESERVE 10 dollars an hour and the MCDONALD'S job type SCAM!!!Even when you are looking for a job, if you think it has to be in your field of study (per you degree) make sure it is representative of your highest joy, and make certain you don't get screwed in any way or shape and be honest with yourself that it is what you actually want to work for, not something just available!!! This is how successful people get their way if you ever ask me: They are brutally honest with themselves.....BRUTALLY AWARE OF THEIR EMOTIONS AND HONEST WITH THEMSELVES! Their confidence does not come from their university degrees or historial accomplishment but is self-concious experience of moment to moment joy. Ok On to Bashar and his new video that I like:

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