Friday, November 23, 2012

Extraordinary Lecture by Mehran Keshe

Mr. Mehran Keshe, in my opinion, is in every respect a humanatarian and a type of scientist and engineer that cares and has the means to show his care. I know this is about 3 months late, but nevertheless, I have to share his conference held on September 21, 2012: Some topics discussed in the video: He states that the mandate of Keshe foundation is to give thier knowledge for free and prevent a few priviliged to "peer review" this radical knowledge. They are financially independant so no one can dictate to them. He talks about how African countries and other nations are responding to the adoption of this technology available to all. He compares his work to Tesla, talks about nano layers and so much more.

1 comment:

Ein~+ein said...

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. That's been said so many times in the FE world. In the realm of scam artistry, this guy's the grandmaster. And I thought the S.African who got away with $300,000 in investor's money was good. He's not just after your money, he wants your government's too. By the way, here in China, he's got less than 1,000 views, not the million he claims and Keshe in Chinese means 'but'.