Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Longitudinal vs Transverse method of energy transfer - By Eric Dollard

You may already know the difference between longitudinal and transverse waves. But this difference is exactly what is exploited by Tesla in his Radiant Energy Systems. Our current infrasctucture for data communications employs transverse mode of transfer. This mode of transfer has consequences for losses proportional to the inverse distance squared between two nodes.

On the other hand, Tesla's system of energy/power transfer (not just data) employs powerful longitudinal waves, which carry energy at 99% efficiency and are dependant on distance like the transverse waves were.

In this Borderland Science video (min ), Eric Dollard most clearly explains the difference between transverse and longitudinal waves by giving us an analogy between ripples caused by stone throw on the surface of water and then waves which travel in a single column like fashion under the surface of water, which we call tsunami.


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